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Tepedino's paintings open a window into a wild, twisted, richly expressive mind. Each work an exploration of the artist's bright fantastical world. In the words of Tepedino, his work attempts to “burst through [feelings of anxiety]” to “experience everything all at once." His work’s simultaneous specificity and chaotic intentionality create macrocosms—vast and multifaceted systems that represent the true complexity of what is seemingly only a small fragment of information.

Press & Reviews:

Tepedino’s oeuvre includes wild, twisted, and brutish works in bright colors that contain suggestions of anguish and torment. Jagged lines come together to form untamed figures whose expressions invite the viewer to consider the complexities of their own emotions.
The authenticity of his paintings, the result of an unconscious yet necessary emotional declaration, creates a unique interconnectedness among Tepedino’s works. We are all invited to dive into his world and explore for ourselves the macrocosmic work of Joey Tepedino.
Joey Tepedino, despite never consciously setting out to be an artist, has evolved into a remarkable creative force. His journey is a testament to the organic development of artistic talent. Tepedino’s artistic venture began as a simple childhood habit of doodling, eventually maturing into a refined expression of his inner world on canvas.
Hailed by critics as an artist who deals in “euphoria,” Joey Tepedino creates a window into the inner workings of his own psyche through the development of a unique visual vocabulary.
That can’t-put-the-pencil-down energy comes through on every page... Tepedino’s paintings, which are on view in his New York gallery exhibition, tend to feature big outlined patches or passages of color that delineate faces and are surrounded by wild constellations of random, sputtering marks — crosses, circles, curious little creatures, and fragmented lines.
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